Category Archives: Press

Developer of The Villages buys 900 acres in Lake County | Orlando Business Journal

By Steven Ryzewski  –  Staff Writer, Orlando Business Journal | Mar 23, 2023

An entity related to the developer of The Villages, Central Florida’s 57-square-mile mega-retirement community, has purchased 900 acres in Lake County.

Buffalo Hide and Cattle Co. LLC paid $7 million for 900 contiguous acres — or $7,777 per acre — in and around the north side of Mascotte, in rural Lake County. The deal closed March 9 and posted to Lake County public records on March 14.

The selling entity was a trust for a group of investors including and represented by longtime Orlando land broker Daryl Carter. Daryl Carter confirmed the transaction took place and that the 900 acres involved are contiguous, but declined to comment further.

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Boggy Creek Road corridor south of Orlando airport attracts new high-dollar project | Orlando Business Journal

By Steven Ryzewski  –  Staff Writer, Orlando Business Journal | Mar 16, 2023

An Alabama-based developer has filed plans in Orange County to build 325 apartments just south of Orlando International Airport, off Boggy Creek Road — effectively doubling down on the project it has directly next door.

Thomas Daly of Winter Park-based planning firm Daly Design Group is the applicant for the request — to discuss building 325 apartments on 12.4 acres at 14646 Boggy Creek Road — on behalf of landowner Orlando Airport Property LLC and contracted buyer Alabama-based Arlington Properties Inc.

Orlando Airport Property LLC is an entity related to developers Ralph Singleton and Robert Harrell, and the project would be part of the Tyson Ranch mixed-use projects the duo is master developing.

Longtime Orlando land broker Daryl Carter, who owns land across Boggy Creek Road from the Tyson Ranch PD, has said an upcoming road-widening project for the corridor is proving pivotal to its planned growth — and could help the area’s momentum someday mirror the development on the airport’s north side, along Semoran Boulevard.

“What Boggy Creek Road was lacking was that it was a two-lane road, but the county is in the process right now of widening that road,” Carter said. “What kind of uses would you expect to see on a new, freshly four-laned Boggy Creek Road? Well, the same uses you expect to see on the north end of the airport where the road has a different name.”

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