Category Archives: Press

Dallas developer pays $15.5M for E192 land at gateway to NeoCity | GrowthSpotter

By Laura Kinsler | Growthspotter | Jun 27, 2022 at 5:30 pm

Dallas-based Lantower Residential paid $15.5 million late last week for a mixed-use development site at the gateway entrance to NeoCity.

The sale price breaks down to $944,546 per acre — the highest price per acre ever paid for land in Osceola County.

Daryl Carter has the listing for 12.2 acres adjacent to the Valencia Village property, which is on the market. Carter said they also chose to leave the offering unpriced so the market could determine the value. “I would like to give a note of thanks to the Schoolfields and Lantower for setting the bar very high,” he said. “That’s a really good number. I hope they’re very successful.”

NeoCity master planners Perkins+Will identified the Schoolfield site as having “the greatest potential to be a grand public entrance to the district, complete with public art, decorative lighting and a distinctive sign to spur commercial development in NeoCity and on privately owned land that fronts E192.”

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Family, friends and work associates mourn loss of longtime Orlando land investor and broker | GrowthSpotter

By Dustin Wyatt | Growthspotter | Jun 21, 2022 at 6:02 pm

Maury Carter, who fell in in love with land as a child growing up on a 100-acre farm in Virginia, started his own Orlando business in the 1970′s, and became one of the most prominent and successful land investors and brokers in Central Florida over the course of a 45-year career, died Saturday. He was 89.

The company he started, Maury L. Carter & Associates, is responsible for approximately $1.5 billion in transactions on well over 200,000 acres. Some of the land that was once owned and sold by Carter went on to later become development hotspots, such as sections of Orlando’s tourism district, Hunter’s Creek, and parts of Lake Nona.

The company’s portfolio is valued in excess of $300 million, according to the company’s website.

“His imprint on projects and land is far and wide,” Maury’s son, Daryl Carter, told GrowthSpotter. “But more important is the impact he had on people. He was so humble that he would always deflect praise and give credit to someone else. He was a man of integrity. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who would say anything negative about my dad.”

To many in the industry, he served as a mentor with a calming presence.

“I can never remember him raising his voice, even in the most difficult situations,” said Scott Crossman, the CEO of Crossman and Company.

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