Category Archives: Press

Orlando’s tourist core sees full-time residents moving in | Daily Commercial

The following transaction was handled by Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc.:

“The Orange County School District is moving forward with two school sites to serve families in the area.

Earlier this year, it agreed to spend $25 million on property at Daryl Carter and Palm Parkway for a 2,776-student high school to relieve crowding at Dr. Phillips and Freedom high schools when completed in 2022.”


Mary Shanklin / Associated Press | Published 6:26 p.m. ET Aug. 27, 2017 Updated 6:26 p.m. ET Aug. 27, 2017

ORLANDO — The Orlando tourist strip known most for attracting conventioneers and thrill-seeking visitors — International Drive — is getting another identity.

In recent years, thousands of full-time residents have moved into apartments built on the southern end of the 11-mile corridor, which has been renowned for industry gatherings,shopping, and attractions. Plans call for thousands more renters — and schools.

“It’s kind of the rebranding of I-Drive right now,” said Luann Brooks, executive director ofthe I-Drive Business Improvement District. “We’ve turned into a live and work environment,which has never been seen here before.”

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Orlando’s tourist core sees full-time residents moving in

Groveland growth continues at rapid pace | Daily Commercial

Frank Stanfield For the Daily Commercial | USA TODAY NETWORK | Published 12:48 p.m. ET July 20, 2023 Updated 4:21 p.m. ET July 21, 2023

GROVELAND —– This small town has been showered recently with environmental awards, including one celebrating its Dark Sky initiative, which is aimed at cutting back on lighting so citizens can better see the stars.

But “The City with Natural Charm” is also one of the fastest growing cities in Lake County, sohow can it continue its balancing act?

“Besides living up to our logo … we want to set an example for other cities,” Mayor EvelynWilson said in a press release announcing the League of Cities Environmental StewardshipAward. “We are looking to reduce light pollution and save the environment for our residentsas well as our wildlife.”


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Many new development projects planned in Groveland